: Please change the baseurl
value in _config.yml
to [your repo name]Put a attribute stickie: true
in YAML header for specific post:
layout: post
title: blablablalala
category : Comic
tags : [Comic, 10101]
stickie: true
Then current post will show ahead of other posts.
Change the content in _includes/comment-full.html
, then all post pages will have a comment plugin.
You could active/deactive all plugins in js/post.js
let config = {
activeHighlight: true,
activeHeaderCollapse: true,
activeHeaderNumber: true,
activeLightbox: true,
activeReadingProgressBar: true,
Write your code like this:
var szhshp = 'cool';
Plugin will auto detect your language and highlight it.
If you want to set the language manually:
var szhshp = 'cool';
And the code snippet will be highlighted as below:
var szhshp = 'cool';
var szhshp = 'awesome';
Add episode numbers for main headers
Realized with this repo: szhielelp/md-post-header-collapse
Run $.headerCollapseRobot()
after post loaded.
$.headerCollapseRobot('#page-content', ['h1', 'h2', 'h3'], ['blockquote']);
You can try clicking on the icons near titles.
Inspired from
It will show your reading progress for current post.
A plugin for better experience of displaying pictures.
Example Usage:

*Here is desc*
I’m trying to keep this project as simple as possible, but if you still get stuck into any problem, please raise a issue in Github. I may check it if I got time.